Subscribing to the AAAE List Serv

The American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE) in cooperation with Purdue University has developed an electronic mail list serv for use by university agricultural education faculty and others interested in agricultural education. The list serv allows someone to send one message to the list serv and have that message forwarded on to all subscribers to the list. It has capabilities to send text messages and attached files up to approximately 20MB.

At AAAE's request, Purdue University has established the list serv as a "closed" list. This means that ag ed professionals must send a message requesting to be added to the list. A closed list protects its subscribers from receiving "spam mail" and helps to eliminate unrelated e-mail traffic. The list will archive messages on a daily basis, which can be accessed at a later time.

To Subscribe to the main AAAE listserv mailing list: 

  • Address an e-mail message to
  • Leave the subject blank.
  • In the body of the message enter: subscribe aaae YourFirstName YourLastName [Do not put anything else in the body of the message.]
  • Send the message.
  • You should receive an immediate email saying your request has been forwarded to the list owner for approval.
  • It may take up to 24 hours for the list owner to approve your subscription request.
  • You will receive a “You have been added to the AAAE list” email. Please keep this email for future reference.

To Send a message to the main AAAE listserv mailing list:

  • Address an e-mail note to
  • Enter (type or paste) a subject line.
  • Enter (type or paste) your message.
  • Send the message. Your message will be delivered to everyone who is subscribed to the listserv.

To Unsubscribe from the main AAAE listserv mailing list:

  • Address a message to
  • Leave the subject blank
  • In the body of the message, type SIGNOFF aaae
  • Send the message. You should receive a confirmation email that you have been removed from the list.


Once subscribed, you can edit your subscription settings or unsubscribe at:

To subscribe to the region listservs, substitute the appropriate listserv (AAAE-NC, AAAE-S, or AAAE-W) for “aaae” in the instructions above.

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