Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
225 East Coastline Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32202
Held in conjunction with Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS) Meeting
The 2018 AAAE National Conference will be May 15-18 at the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, SC
2018 Schedule
Poster Proceedings
February 4-6, 2018
Registration costs:
Regular Faculty Registration: $350.00
Student Registration: $295.00
After December 31st:
Late Faculty Registration: $400.00 ($350.00 + $50.00 late fee)
Late Student Registration: $345.00 ($295.00 + $50.00 late fee)
The Hyatt Regency Jacksonville-Riverfront 225 East Coastline Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32202has provided us with a dedicated website for online hotel booking. Booking Website:
By calling 1-888-421-1442 and refer to the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS) group block.
Reservations can include 3 days ahead and 3 days after the meeting dates at the discounted group rate, if rooms are available.
The hotel is currently closed but is projected to reopen the end of October.
Group rates are rooms are $139/night; single, double, triple and quad rooms. Hotel reservations at group rate deadline is January 20, 2018
Call For Papers